
Attempted murder case filed against Chinmoy Krishna and 164 others in Chattogram court

CMP and Alif Murder

CMP and Alif Murder: Charges Filed Against 2,225 Individuals in Five Cases

Attacks on ISKCON Temples

Threats Made Publicly, Attacks on Dhaka and Chittagong ISKCON Temples

Attack on Homes and Temples

Attack on Homes and Temples of Sanatanis in Chattogram Kotwali

Chinmoykand Incident Involving

Three Cases Filed by CMP in Chinmoy and Incident Involving 1,476 Accused

পরিকল্পিতভাবে হিন্দুদের ভিকটিম

In 7 months 117 Hindus have been killed

সুন্দরবনের আগুন নিয়ন্ত্রণে কাজ

Sundarbans fire is completely extinguished

মা-মেয়েকে দলবদ্ধ ধর্ষণ

Abul Khair gang raped the mother and daughter by cutting their house wall

মা–বাবা ও মেয়ের গলাকাটা লাশ

All dead bodies of Vikas Sarkar’s family in their locked house

প্রতীক বরাদ্দের আগেই পোস্টার

On the way back from school( student of class 3) was raped by Abdur Rauf

গর্ভবতী গৃহবধূকে আটকে রেখে ধর্ষণ

Chairman Ejaz kidnapped the raped woman from the hospital to file a case

কালীগঞ্জে গৃহবধু ধর্ষণ

19-year-old Mehdi Hasan raped a housewife

Attacked the temple

Attacked the temple for not allowed to enter with shoes, injured15 women-children

গৃহবধূর পা বাধা লাশ

After murder the body of Renuka was left in the canal in Noakhali

শিশুকে পায়ুপথে ধর্ষণ

Abdulawal raped 4-years child on the excuse of giving Civic tablets

Benapole Express Targeted

Benapole Express Targeted by Arsons is an unforgivable Crime Against Humanity -Foreign Minister

ছাত্রীকে ধর্ষণে

Accused of 7 years girl rape in Harinakundu

How being pilgrimage traded and occupied by heretics?

ChandranathDham attack

ChandranathDham attack, injured10

পাকিস্তানের করাচীতেই দাউদ

The uproar over the ‘death’ rumors of India’s top terrorist Dawood Ibrahim

Delhi Hindu Genocide

Today is Delhi Hindu Genocide Day

Send the child to school

Mother was kidnapped and raped by Md. Akmat on her way back

শিশুকে পায়ুপথে ধর্ষণ

Abubakar raped an 8-years child in cowshed, Police investigation after 4 months


1022 women and children raped in Bangladesh in 10 months

ধর্ষণে অন্তঃসত্বা তরুণী

Rape pregnant girl (17), threatened to withdraw the case

হিন্দু নারী ধর্ষণের সংবাদ

After publishing hindu woman rape news of the news then OC visited the spot

হিন্দু নারী ধর্ষণের সংবাদ

Calling father was not saved, after the rape the genitals were bitten and bleeding

যশোরে গৃহবধূকে গণধর্ষণ

Two youths arrested for gang rape of housewife in Jessore

Pallikabi Radhakant

Why did Rafiqul attack the 80-year-old Pallikavi Radhakant?


Faizul raped a mentally challenged girl (12)

জয়া বর্মণকে কুপিয়ে হত্যা

A female hotel worker Jaya Burman was publicly hacked to death

brutality in DurgaPuja

Hindus are constantly decreasing, brutality in DurgaPuja! Why is the Pujamandap still growing in Bangladesh?

পূজার প্রস্তুতিতে ধারাবাহিক হামলা

From the preparation of Durga Puja to the puja, there has been a series of attacks

সাংবাদিককে হুমকি

Brought from Dhaka and raped on the pretense of marriage

কালীগঞ্জে ধর্ষন মামলার আসামী গ্রেফতার

Accused of rape case arrested in Kaliganj


Arif rapes widow, threatening to post the video, Ashiq’s team gang-raped same day 

সাতক্ষীরায় গৃহবধু ধর্ষণ

Housewife raped in Satkhira, admitted to hospital

সিলেটে গৃহবধূকে সংঘবদ্ধ ধর্ষণ

Gang rape of housewife in Sylhet, Attacked for protesting

তৃতীয় শ্রেণির ছাত্রীকে শ্লীলতাহানি

Teacher dismissed for molesting 8 years girl

মেয়েকে ধর্ষণের অভিযোগে বাবা গ্রেফতার

Father arrested for raping daughter