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Drink warm salt water through the nose to prevent virus -Yogi PKB Prakash

Rai Kishori
June 22, 2020 11:17 pm
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Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has caused panic around the world. There are various precautionary campaigns against this virus all over the world. Even after that, there is still a lot of confusion about this virus and the diseases caused by the virus.

According to William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, infected people sneeze-cough droplets float in the air. This droplet enters the body through the nose, mouth and eyes of a healthy person close to the patient. Once in the body, the virus molecules quickly travel to the back of the nostrils or to the inside of the throat, inside the mucous membrane, and invade the cells there.

Su-Yuan Xiao, a professor in the Department of Pathology at the Chicago School of Medicine, examined the reports of corona-infected patients in China. According to him, the virus spreads to the upper respiratory tract and trachea by invading the peripheral areas on both sides of the lungs.

According to researcher Compton Philip, such a simplification would be wrong. The virus spreads through the mucous membranes. So it enters through the nose and mouth and can spread to the anus as it travels through the mucous membrane. Corona-Terror can run anywhere on the road. The virus also attacks the gastrointestinal system. Then there is diarrhea or indigestion with fever-cold-cough. These germs can also enter the bloodstream.

Yogi PKB Prakash (Promithias Chowdhury), director of Anandam Institute of Yoga and Yogic Hospital, said that the two main doors of disease in our body are nose and mouth. We use the mouth only when eating and talking so the chances of disease germs entering this way are a little less. The nose is the inevitable door, we can’t keep my nose closed even if we want to survive. For this reason, about 90% of the disease germs enter the body through the nose; Especially caused by viruses.

Yogi PKB Prakash said that as soon as the virus enters the body, the molecules of the virus quickly enter the mucous membrane towards the back of the nostrils or inside the throat through the nose and mouth and attack the cells there. Once again, the virus enters the eye, merges with the lacrimal glands, and travels to the nasopharynx. It then enters the nose directly and enters the respiratory tract from where the infection begins. Then, as soon as the mucous membrane is invaded, it becomes a receptor cell. So it enters through the nose and mouth and can spread to the anus as it travels through the mucous membrane.

Yogi further said, Symptoms appear after infection enters the mucous membrane through the nose, mouth or eyes. As a result, it takes four to five days for the symptoms to appear. Therefore, it is possible to get rid of this virus only if the nose can be cleaned at the beginning, i.e. at the beginning of the nose.

When I go out somewhere or return home, I clean my hands and face well, I take warm water mixed with salt through my nose and throw it away with my mouth. I pull it with one nose and throw it with the other nose. Or drink through the nose. Only then will the germs that have accumulated in the nostrils go out. The virus only dies in warm salt water.

Regarding the corona virus, he said that it is difficult to get rid of the virus after the mask, because if you cough, the virus stays inside the mask, which increases the risk of getting infected with the virus. The only way to get rid of this virus is through pranayama, neti kriya and nasapan.

For advice on staying healthy without medication you can contact: Yogi PKB Prakash (Promithias Chowdhury), Mail: yogabangla@gmail.com and facebook: https://www.facebook.com/promithias
