
‘This government might roar, but it has no ethical backing’

February 7, 2018 11:04 pm
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Spacial Correspondent: BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia addressing the press during a conference at her office on February 7. 2018 The News

Khaleda Zia said people are being oppressed by the government and they are looking to BNP for salvation

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia denounced the government at a press conference at her office on Wednesday afternoon.
She said: “There is no true opposition party in Parliament right now. There is no accountability for the ruling government. News tarnishing the army is being circulated. The law enforcement and the administration have been manipulated to stand against the people. All institutions have been destroyed.”
The BNP chief said people have been deprived of their freedom of speech. She stressed on the ruling party giving false hope of providing rice at Tk10 per kg, but the failure to control the rice price from rising to Tk40 or more.
She continued: “People want a respite from this merciless and oppressive regime. They are looking to us for salvation.”
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and members of BNP Standing Committee attended the press conference.
