
Land Minister shares the story of Mother Language Day with Northern Irish Student

September 21, 2019 5:13 pm
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International Mother Language day commemorates the bloody struggle for the survival of our mother language. Struggling only for the mother tongue is a rare incident in the world.

Said Land Minister while telling a story about the International Mother Language Day to the Northern Irish students. Land Minister shared the story of how United Nations Mother Languages Day was instituted to mark the 1952 massacre by the Pakistan Police of Bangladeshis protesting for recognition for their native tongue Bangla and to promote the awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world. He also explained the importance of mother languages to nation-building and economic well-being.

Saifuzzaman Chowdury took time out from a seminar took place in the Northern Ireland on September 5, 2019, where he was the chief guest, to travel to the Belfast Irish medium higher secondary school Coláiste Feirste. He joined an informal meeting with the students in the school library. Note, Northern Ireland is one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom.

Chair of the Board of Governors of the school Seán Mistéil and principal Micheál Mac Giolla Ghunna welcomed Land Minister.

The minister also informed the students of the school about our great Independence Day. He informed how Bangladesh, under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, achieved independence after defeating the Pakistani forces through a historic struggle for national liberation in 9 months.

Seán Mistéil thanked the Minister for his speech, saying the minister’s statement resonated powerfully with their students.

North Belfast News journo Michael Jackson stated in his article ‘5,000-mile journey to share language struggle story’ published on 17th September 2019 on the Belfast Media Group website, that “5,000 miles and more may separate Belfast from Bangladesh but a common struggle for language rights bridged that gap…”

Adolescents and young adults of the respective country are the most important in making our positive branding in that country through delivering the information on Liberation war, History, Heritage, Culture, Development, Communal Harmony of Bangladesh including our constructive role in the international arena. They will lead their country in the future. School-College centric public diplomacy is very important in creating a positive image abroad. I accepted the invitation of visiting the school right away. Students of that school are very meritorious and patriotic – said Saifuzzaman Chowdury
